A Pictorial Tour of the Different Shades and Moods of Sao Tome and Principe

Words may not suffice to explain or capture the beauty and charm of the twin islands of Sao Tome and Principe and its people. As the second smallest and second least populous country in Africa, it is also one of the least visited countries on the continent.

The islands of Sao Tome and Principe can lay claim to several stunning natural physical features that rivals some of the best in the world. The pristine sandy beaches with crystal clear waters, dreamy waterfalls, lush rainforests and unique biodiversity, stupendous volcanic peaks, gushing streams, medicinal gardens, fruit farms, vantage viewpoints overlooking dense jungles. and the historical plantation sites, have earned these islands a lot of epithets from visitors and tourists - 'Heaven on Earth', 'Africa's Eden', 'African Galapagos', 'hidden gem of Africa', 'poetry in slow motion', 'a breath of fresh air', unspoilt, idyllic, untouched, magical etc.

Its chocolates are as fine as the Swiss ones and its intriguing Euro-African culture has a special appeal.

A trek through the luxuriant Sao Tome Forest can be an unforgettable experience. The tropical rainforests of Sao Tome and Principe have been classified as the most valuable among Africa’s forests by the international scientific community. UNESCO has declared the entire island of Principe as a protected Biosphere Reserve.

The remoteness and insularity of these islands have contributed to high endemism rates that are rarely seen in other places. They are home to over 60 exclusive bird species, 166 highly prized endemic plant species, over 300 species of herbs and 28 recorded species of rare animals and reptiles.

The tropical simplicity and colonial laid back charm of its cities and towns, and the faded, yet captivating colonial splendor of its  buildings and structures, with carved wooden wraparound balconies, colourful arched windows and balustrades, are a world by itself to discover.

Apart from its unsullied natural beauty, there are several other intriguing aspects to these enchanting islands that can bewitch a visitor - cocoa plantations, mangroves, chocolate industry, whale watching, turtle farming, interesting cultural traditions drawn from its colonial past, quaint little fishing villages, plantation museums, and the unarming smiles of the people.

A peek into its history gives a fascinating insight into the origins of some of its cultural and societal mores.

As it is said, a single photo can express a thousand words. In this blog, I would like to take the reader through a photographic journey and let the photos speak for themselves. 

Sao Tome punches way about its weight as an eco tourist destination. There is nothing cosmetic about Sao Tome and Principe. Beautiful landscapes and windswept locations like these are a magnet and can haunt you for days. 

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The islands of Sao Tome and Principe and its many islets are surrounded by the warm waters of the mighty Atlantic. With such a lengthy coastline, it is not surprising that these charming islands have a disproportionately large number of beaches. Sao Tome and Principe is no ordinary beach destination. Its tropical beaches are as pristine as the sun-kissed ones of the Caribbean, with some of the most enthralling sandy and rocky beaches in the world - pristine, balmy and crystal clear, set against beautiful palm trees and lush vegetation.

Raghu Gururaj
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Any visitor to the charming islands experiences a raw and real feeling of closeness to nature. Waterfalls are an integral part of the beautiful landscape of São Tomé and Principe. The island’s mountainous terrain and the copious rainfall, which lasts for about 6 months, feed many of the waterfalls in these islands. The central highlands of Sao Tome are replete with many waterfalls, all of which are embedded in a dreamy environment of lush forests.

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Where Sao Tome and Principe is peerless (alongside Galapagos Islands) is its incredible biodiversity and the range of endemic species of fauna and flora it holds. The unique biodiversity of Sao Tome and Principe is legendary. The Obo Natural Park occupies a very special place not just in Sao Tome, but in the entire African continent. According to international scientists, of the 4 islands on the Gulf of Guinea, Sao Tome archipelago contains the richest diversity of flora, with very high rates of endemism. It is the second most important in terms of biological interest among 75 forests of Africa.
In fact, in 1988 scientists classified the forests of Sao Tomé and Principe as the second most important in terms of biological interest of the 75 forests of Africa. The flora in Obo Natural Park includes over 100 different kinds of unique orchids, and over 700 species of flora overall. 

Not visiting the Obo Natural Park, (original name is Parque Natural Ôbo) in the islands of Sao Tome and Principe, is like skipping Taj Mahal when touring Agra or missing out on Disneyland when visiting Orlando.

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The thick jungle covered mountains are reminiscent of Jurassic Park. The volcanic mountain peaks of Pico de Grande are as imposing as the Burj Khalifa. These natural skyscrapers rocks are best seen from the water, where it is possible to admire these peaks named the father, the son and the grandson, all lined up in a neat formation.

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The unsullied natural beauty of Sao Tome and Principe is matched by an equally charming colonial landscape. Amble across the endless lanes to be mentally transported to another period in time. The old world captivating charm of the colonial structures of Sao Tome city, accompanies you everywhere.

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One of the joys of exploring these pristine islands are the boat rides across its mangrove forests. Located off the coast of Gulf of Guinea, these two islands possess verdant secondary mangrove sanctuaries, that are among their ecological highlights.

(Photo credit: Sao Tome Tourism)

Sao Tome and Principe is blessed with an enviable wealth of medicinal plants, which has supported traditional medicine for its population for centuries. The stark insularity of these islands has enabled the evolution of endemic species to thrive, creating unique species of flora and fauna. They also possess various species introduced by humans, intentionally or accidentally. Several species, because of their strong endemism, have become the subject of scientific research and conservation measures. Out of over 850 species of plants, 140 of them are considered endemic. The herbarium in the Obo National Park bursts with a bewildering variety of wild herbs, rare plants and exotic flowers.

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Quaint fishing villages dot the coastlines, giving the fishermen communities succor and stable livelihoods. Most fishing villages are tucked away from the main road through thick foliage and fruit and coconut trees. A trek through these picturesque villages give a fascinating insight into the simple life style of the local communities. 

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The historical plantation estates (Rocas) of Sao Tome and Principe are a world by itself. A walk into any of them provides a  poignant sense of the colonial past and their present.

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Also known as the Chocolate Islands, Sao Tome and Principe is renowned for its cocoa farms. Daily life here is still tied to cocoa plantations. It is mesmerizing to trek through the cocoa farm trails.

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Sao Tome and Principe is one of the few places in the world, where the equator passes through. Sao Toméans are proud of their geothermal heritage and consider their country as the center of the world. But living in this acutely insulated, albeit beautiful, island nation, I could hardly feel that centrality in a broad sense. But standing on the imaginary line 0, with one foot in Northern and the other in the Southern hemisphere, I was indeed overcome by a perceived feeling of standing at the center of the earth.

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The performing arts of Sao Tome are mystical and symbolize the synthesis of African and European traditions and the coexistence of two different cultures.

Sao Toméans are unassuming, uncomplicated, amiable and respectful. They spontaneously greet everyone in the street with a wave of their hand and with a disarming smile. Daily life in Sao Tome is really ‘leve leve’, meaning ‘take it easy’. For most of us who are used to the hustle bustle of modern city life and the pressure of today’s work culture, it does take some adjusting. The tropical laid back island culture is alluring.

(Raghu Gururaj)



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