The Herbal Wealth of Sao Tome


The twin island nation of Sao Tome and Principe, located off the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, is unique in many ways. It is not only the second smallest and second least populated sovereign country in Africa, but also one of the remotest and least visited.

The tropical rainforests of Sao Tome and Principe have been classified as the second most valuable among Africa’s forests by the international scientific community. They are widely regarded as one of Africa's precious biodiversity hotspots. In fact, the entire island of Principe has been classified as a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO.

Cut off from African mainland, its biological biodiversity reveals a bewildering variety of ecosystems. Its natural ecosystems include the primary forests, mangroves, inland water, coastal and marine eco systems. Secondary ecosystems include secondary forests, plantations, Savannahs and shady forests.

Sao Tome and Principe is one of the few countries in the world that has a high rate of endemism in bird and plant species. The small size, remoteness, insularity, and diverse habitats of the islands are contributory factors for high endemism rates. These factors have evoked interest among international researchers and botanists for developing scientific models of evolutionary biological theories using Sao Tome as a natural laboratory.

Researchers have documented that over half of Sao Tome’s 60 bird species are exclusive to its location. This 'Eldorado' is also home to 166 highly prized endemic plant species, of which 46 are found on Príncipe Island and the rest in São Tomé.

Sao Tome and Principe is blessed with an enviable wealth of medicinal plants, which has supported traditional medicine for its population for centuries. The 300 odd species of herbs and plants have traditionally been used in combating several diseases like flu, diphtheria, stomach and skin ailments, breathing disorders, dysentery, seasonal bacterial infections etc.

Traditional medicine in Sao Tome has no special name like Ayurveda in India or the Jamu tradition in Indonesia. Neither is it based on structured and scientific principles like Ayurveda. Instead, it operates on a loose set of undocumented rules. But it does hold a predominant position in their society, not only because of deference to the wisdom of the elders and herbal doctors, but due to the innate belief in its efficacy.

Traditional herbal medicine continues to be the mainstream form of medical treatment for much of the islanders, as it is easily accessible and affordable.

Western allopathic medicines are inadequate and expensive in the island. But the fact that the herbal plant wealth of Sao tome can potentially be commercially used one day to mass produce conventional allopathic medicines and new pharmacological formulas, weighs heavily on the older generation and policy makers.

Will Sao Tome allow the exploitation of its herbal wealth for the mass production of allopathic medicines in the country or will it adopt an ecosystem-based approach for the preservation and sustainable use of its medicinal plants? Only time will tell.

But it is a fact that as more and more people in Sao Tome take recourse to allopathic treatment, the traditional form of medicine is gradually diminishing. This phenomenon can be attributed to the gradual economic upliftment and disinterest of the newer generation to imbibe the critical knowledge from the older generation. But there is a realization in Sao Tome that efforts should be made to create a synergy between traditional knowledge of medicine and the scientific medical advances.

Indian Ayurvedic practitioners would evince keen interest in learning more about the herbal treasure of Sao Tome and its medicinal tradition.

In this context, it is pertinent to note that India and Sao Tome have signed two Memorandums of Understanding to cooperate and promote traditional and alternative health care systems and herbal plant trade. There are a large number of medicinal plants, particularly those found in tropical region, which are common to India and Sao Tome and Principe due to similar geo-climatic factors.

Sao Tome could lean on the ancient and more established system of Ayurveda, which will enable it to develop a structure, deepen research and scientifically document its herbal resources.

Such a cooperation will also create a sustainable and a rational exploitation of its medicinal resources, while still being able to preserve its traditional knowledge and present itself as an alternative to allopathy. For India, cooperation with Sao Tome in this sector presents exciting possibilities and an opportunity to further enrich the ancient Ayurvedic traditions.


  1. A very interesting article that is so relevant in the modern-day scenario with herbal medicine staging a comeback as people seek more natural remedies for various ailments. Surely, collaborative efforts by traditional medicinal practitioners from Sao Tome and India to tap the herbal wealth of the islands will amp up the possibilities for finding potent remedies for various medical conditions.


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